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This policy represents our policy on the privacy of the individual. Veho takes your privacy seriously and information will be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

1. Your consent

This policy represents our policy on the privacy of the individual. veho takes your privacy seriously and information will be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.

2. How personal information is collected and how it is used

2.1. Personal in formation may be provided when you are communicating with us.
2.2. You may give your name and Email address when using our services, or to make a comment about our services or website.
2.3. You may give your name, address and e-mail address if you enter a competition or promotion.
2.4. You may provide us with information about your priorities and preferences, both when you tell us and when we analyze customer website traffic, including using ”cookies”.
2.5. You may provide us with information regarded as sensitive personal data within the meaning of the Data Protection Act 1998, for example, about your health and age. Such information (”sensitive information”) will only be disclosed with your express written consent.
2.6. You may provide us with details of credit cards, debit cards or bank accounts in making payment to us. Any such information (”confidential financial information”) will be disclosed only in accordance with the disclosure policy below.
2.7. The personal information you provide may help us develop the layout of our website to ensure that our site is as enjoyable and relevant as possible.
2.8. The personal information you provide may help us inform you about functions on our website or changes to our terms and conditions of use.

3. Traffic data

We may provide statistics about sales, customers, traffic patterns and information to third parties, but these statistics will not include any information that identifies you.

4. Disclosure policy

We reserve the right to access and disclose individually identifiable information to enable us to comply with applicable laws and lawful government requests to operate its systems and to protect itself or its users.

5. How your information is protected

We have implemented strict security procedures covering the storage of your to prevent unauthorized access and to comply with the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998. This means that we may ask you for proof of identity before processing your call or enquiry.

6. How ”Cookies” are used

A cookie is a piece of information that is stored on your computer’s hard drive. It is normally sent by a web server to you and enables the server to collect information back from your site visit including specific pages you visited and the date you last visited.

7. Do you require further information?

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, email marketing@veho-global.com